Sports Trivia & Jack Horner Sat Morning
Jack Horner's classic children's book's, "Maia: A Dinosaur Grows Up," is up for grabs tomorrow (Sat) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia. "Maia," is a realistic account of the life of a young dinosaur, written by the first paleontologist ever to discover an extensive dinosaur nesting ground, Jack Horner. Jack's discovery in our Montana grasslands in 1978, enabled scientists to piece together a picture of a new species of peaceable, duck-billed dinosaurs. I've even been called a dinosaur myself a time or two. Check the book out from Sweetgrass Books, at www.farcountrypress.com, then be the 1st caller in at 7:30, with the correct answer to my sports trivia question, & WIN the Jack Horner dinosaur book! Hats off to John (Jack) R. Horner, & James Gorman ,along with illustrator, Doug Henderson, for one spectacular presentation.